EVENTS 12-13 January: The TASS 4th International Conference on Theory and Practice in Social Sciences and Management Studies will take place in Taipei, Taiwan, in January, organised by the Taiwan Academy of Social Sciences. Conference tracks are: Social sciences and humanities; Interdisciplinary; Regional studies; Management; Mathematics and statistics; Business and economics; Physical and life sciences; Education; Law. 14-15 January: The Blended 22nd International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations will take place at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, in January, organised by the Organization Studies Research Network with special focus Rethinking Organizational Resilience. Conference themes are: Organisational intangibles and tangible value; Knowledge economies as the constant; Organisations as knowledge makers; The value of culture and the demand of change. By 15 January; 15-16 April: The 18th International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society will take place in April online and at the National Changhua University of Education, Changhua City, Taiwan, organised by Common Ground Research Networks partnered with the National Changhua University of Education, with special focus Trust, Surveillance, Democracy. Conference themes are: Histories of technology; Knowledge makers; Social realities. Regular proposal deadline 15 January. By 15 January; 15-16 April: The 15th International Conference on e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies will take place in April online and at the National Changhua University of Education, Changhua City, Taiwan, organised by the Common Ground Research Network partnered with the National Changhua University of Education, with special focus on e-Learning as Participation in Meaning: Multimodal and Multiliteracies Perspective. Conference themes are: Considering digital pedagogies; New digital institutions and spaces; Technologies of Mediation; Designing social transformations. Regular proposal deadline 15 January. 20-22 January: The hybrid Education, Social Sciences and Humanities Conference will take place in Washington DC, USA, and online in January, organised by Advena World Conferences. Topics of interest include: Learning technology, education and COVID-19 situation; Education study of higher and post-secondary education; Distance education, technology and social change; Teaching English as a foreign language to Arabic speakers; Globalisation, markets and education customers; Diversity, race and gender issues in higher education; Qualitative and quantitative methods in educational research; Education and technology in South Korea and Japan; Social sciences, arts and humanities; Students, counselling psychology and academic affairs; technology, science and education; Leadership, diversity and higher education; Educational equity and multiculturalism; Geographical education, education practice trends and issues. 22-29 January: The 3rd #Learning Planet Festival will take place around the world, organised by UNESCO and CRI on the theme Learning to take care of oneself, others and the planet, featuring both online and local on-site activities and celebrating the International Day of Education on 24 January. 2-4 February: LiHE 2022 Online, the 23rd International Symposium, will take place online, sponsored by the Institute for Learning in Higher Education. Conference contributions will result in the book Active Learning in Higher Education, to be published by Libri Publishing Ltd. 10-11 February: The 2022 Winter Global Education Conference will take place at the University of Riverside, California, USA, and virtually in February, organised by the University of Riverside. Many conference topics, from Academic advising and counselling to Wireless applications. 17-18 February: The EUA 2022 European Learning and Teaching Forum will take place at the University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain, organised by the European University Association. The event will provide a platform for discussion on how universities enhance learning and teaching through digital means, and will present the work of the 2021 EUA Learning and Teaching Thematic Peer Groups. 22-25 February: The 6th HBP Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research will take place at Medical University Innsbruck, Austria, in February, organised by the Human Brain Project. Issues covered will include Euroscience, Computer science, Robotics, Medicine, Psychology, Cognitive science and Philosophy. 5-7 March: EDC2022, the hybrid 17th Education and Development Conference, will take place in Bangkok, Thailand, and online in March, organised by Tomorrow People Organization on the theme The Next Generation Education through New Lenses. About 50 topics, from Adult education to Vocational education and training. 7-9 March: INTED 2022, the 16th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, will take place in Valencia, Spain, in March, organised by IATED, the International Academy of Technology, Education and Development. More than 100 topics, under themes: COVID19 - Distance learning in times of crisis; General issues; Experiences in education; New trends in the higher education area; International projects; Pedagogical and didactical innovations; Research in education; Virtual universities; Technological issues in education; Computer suppported collaborative work; Educational software and serious games; Curriculum design and innovation; Quality assurance in education; University-industry collaboration; E-content management and development. By 9 March; 30 June – 1 July: The hybrid conference The Future of Education – 12th edition will take place in June/July in Florence, Italy, and online, organised by Pixel Conferences. Topics include: Adult education; Arts in education; Curriculum development; E-Learning; Education and healthcare; Education and society; Enhancing student engagement; Games and media in education; ICT in education; Language learning; Studies on language learning; Life sciences education; Mathematical sciences; Multiculturalism and social inclusion, Primary education; Special needs; Student assessment; Teacher professional development. Abstracts submission deadline 9 March. 17-18 March: The international conference New Perspectives in Science Education, Edition 11, will take place in Florence, Italy, and online in March, organised by Pixel International Conferences. Topics include: Biomedical science education; Chemistry education; Curriculum development; Educational strategies; Engineering education; Enhancing student engagement; Extra curricula activities; Preschool and primary education; Science and environment; Science and society; Science teaching methods; Special needs; STEM education; Student assessment; Student conceptions; Teacher professional development. By 20 March; By 20 May; 20-22 June: The blended 20th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities will take place in June online and at the University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece, organised by the University’s New Directions in the Humanities Research Network, Department of Mediterranean Studies, School of Humanities, with special focus on Data, Media, Knowledge: Reconsidering Interdisciplinarity and the Digital Humanities. Conference themes will be: Critical cultural studies; Communication and linguistics studies; Literary humanities; Civic, political and community studies, Civic, Political and community studies; Past and present in the humanistic education. Regular proposals deadline 20 March; Late proposals deadline 20 May. By 21 March; By 21 May; 21-22 June: The blended Information, Medium and Society: Twentieth International Conference on Publishing Studies will take place online and at the University of the Aegean, Department of Mediterranean Studies, Rhodes, Greece, organised by the Information, Medium & Society – Publishing Studies Research Network, with special focus Is Publishing a Critical Infrastructure? Innovation, creativity and resilience in an age of artificial intelligence. Conference themes are: Informational foundations; Mediums of disruption; Social history and impacts. Regular proposals deadline 21 March; late proposals deadline 21 May. 28-30 March: DBEHSS-22, the 2022 Dubai 32nd International Conference on Business, Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, will take place in March in Dubai, UAE, organised by International Forum on Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and sponsored by EIRAI, Excellence in Research and Innovation. More than 60 topics under the conference themes, and including interdisciplinary studies and regional studies. By 30 March; 25-26 June: EduTeach2022, the 6th Canadian International Conference on Advances in Education, Teaching and Technology 2022, will take place in-person at the University of Toronto, Canada, in June, organised by Unique Conferences Canada and its University partners, on the theme Challenges and Issues in Teaching and Learning in Post Pandemic Situations. Main areas for debate are: Teaching and learning relationships; Students’ and teachers’ relationships; Ongoing projects’ trends, issues and challenges; Educataion administration and leadership; Technology in education and teaching. Abstracts submission deadline 30 March. By 31 March; 19-21 April: WEI-EHSS-Vienna 2022, the Vienna 2022 International Academic Conference on Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, will take place at the University of Vienna, Austria, in April. More than 40 topics, from Anthropology to Urban studies. Abstracts submission deadline 31 March. By 13 April; By 13 June; 13-15 July: The blended 29th International Conference on Learning will take place in July online and at the University of Valencia, Spain, organised by the Learner Research Network of the University of Valencia - Polytechnic University of Valencia, with special focus on Intercultural Learning in Plurilingual Contexts. Conference themes will be: Pedagogy and curriculum; Assessment and evaluation; Educational organisation and leadership; Early childhood learning; Learning in higher education; Adult, community and professional learning; Learner diversity and identities; Technologies in learning; Literacies learning; Science, mathematics and technology learning. Regular proposals deadline 13 April; Late proposals deadline 13 June. 15-16 April: The 18th International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society will take place in April online and at the National Changhua University of Education, Changhua City, Taiwan, organised by Common Ground Research Networks partnered with the National Changhua University of Education, with special focus Trust, Surveillance, Democracy. Conference themes are: Histories of technology; Knowledge makers; Social realities. 15-16 April: The 15th International Conference on e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies will take place in April online and at the National Changhua University of Education, Changhua City, Taiwan, organised by the Common Ground Research Network partnered with the National Changhua University of Education, with special focus on e-Learning as Participation in Meaning: Multimodal and Multiliteracies Perspective. Conference themes are: Considering digital pedagogies; New digital institutions and spaces; Technologies of Mediation; Designing social transformations. 19-21 April: WEI-EHSS-Vienna 2022, the Vienna 2022 International Academic Conference on Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, will take place at the University of Vienna, Austria, in April. More than 40 topics, from Anthropology to Urban studies. 19-21 April: ICESE, the International Conference on Education and Science Education, will take place in Oxford, UK, and virtually, organised by the American Society for Education. Conference themes will include: Strategies in online teaching and learning methods; Contemporary trends in science education; Challenges in distance and blended education; Modern approaches in language learning and teaching; Main practices in lifelong education; Contemporary issues in higher education; New directions in early education. 20-22 April: The virtual conference A Focus on Pedagogy: Teaching, Learning and Research in the Modern Academy will take place in April, organised by University of Kassel, Ball State University, Beaconhouse National University and the University of Pretoria, and coordinated by AMPS, the Architecture Media Politics Society. The conference will seek to explore the current state of teaching and research across a set of cognate fields: Art and design – Art practice, graphic design, digital art, spatial design, architecture; Social sciences - Sociology, cultural studies, media, film, communication studies; Environmental sciences – Urban design, sustainability, engineering, technology. Strands will be set up in each area, with a book in the Routledge Focus on Pedagogy series proposed for each. 11-13 May: The e-Learning Africa 15th International Conference and Exhibition on ICT for Education, Training and Skills Development will take place in Kigali, Rwanda, organised by ICWE GmbH on the theme A New Purpose for Education. Issues the conference will discuss include: The specific, practical challenges facing African countries; The suitability of global models in the African context; The importance of redirecting education to what are likely to be African countries’ future needs; The use of technology in enabling African countries to respond to their specific needs in context; The development of a single African market and the consequent opportunities and requirements of employers; The contribution Africa can make to global learning and to providing African experience to solving global problems. Sub-themes will be: Smart education; Digital transformation in Africa’s schools, colleges and universities; Pioneering teachers; Content and data at the forefront; Fuelling innovative technologies; Pathways to new skills; Breaking the boundaries of exclusion and making inclusion work; Business transformation and growth; The Edtech boom in Africa. By 20 May; 20-22 June: The blended 20th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities will take place in June online and at the University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece, organised by the University’s New Directions in the Humanities Research Network, Department of Mediterranean Studies, School of Humanities, with special focus on Data, Media, Knowledge: Reconsidering Interdisciplinarity and the Digital Humanities. Conference themes will be: Critical cultural studies; Communication and linguistics studies; Literary humanities; Civic, political and community studies, Civic, Political and community studies; Past and present in the humanistic education. Late proposals deadline 20 May. 20-21 May: The 2nd International Scientific and Art Conference, Contemporary Themes in Education 2022, will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, in May, co-organised by the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb. Topics will include: Music in education; Fine and visual arts in education; Kinesiological paradigm in education; Digital technologies in education; Foreign languages education and research; Education and research in the Croatian language, drama and media culture; Teaching methodologies of particular subjects; Inclusion in education; Philosophy and sociology of education; Educational psychology and developmental psychology; Didactics; Pedagogy. By 21 May; 21-22 June: The blended Information, Medium and Society: Twentieth International Conference on Publishing Studies will take place online and at the University of the Aegean, Department of Mediterranean Studies, Rhodes, Greece, organised by the Information, Medium & Society – Publishing Studies Research Network, with special focus Is Publishing a Critical Infrastructure? Innovation, creativity and resilience in an age of artificial intelligence. Conference themes are: Informational foundations; Mediums of disruption; Social history and impacts. Late proposals deadline 21 May. By 13 June; 13-15 July: The blended 29th International Conference on Learning will take place in July online and at the University of Valencia, Spain, organised by the Learner Research Network of the University of Valencia - Polytechnic University of Valencia, with special focus on Intercultural Learning in Plurilingual Contexts. Conference themes will be: Pedagogy and curriculum; Assessment and evaluation; Educational organisation and leadership; Early childhood learning; Learning in higher education; Adult, community and professional learning; Learner diversity and identities; Technologies in learning; Literacies learning; Science, mathematics and technology learning. Late proposals deadline 13 June. 15-17 June: The 15th annual Learning Ideas Conference, Innovations in Learning and Technology for the Workplace and Higher Education, will take place in June in New York, USA, and online. Suggested topics include: Learning experiences: case studies and demos; Technologies in learning and performance; Learning analytics; Learning methodologies; Content creation, authoring, tools, platforms; Evaluation of learning experiences; Online learning strategies for organisations and universities; Educational research; Cognitive science research; Specific research studies; Related areas. The conference also includes the ALICE Special Track on Adaptive Learning via Interactive, Collaborative and Emotional Approaches (2nd link). 20-22 June: The blended 20th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities will take place in June online and at the University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece, organised by the University’s New Directions in the Humanities Research Network, Department of Mediterranean Studies, School of Humanities, with special focus on Data, Media, Knowledge: Reconsidering Interdisciplinarity and the Digital Humanities. Conference themes will be: Critical cultural studies; Communication and linguistics studies; Literary humanities; Civic, political and community studies, Civic, Political and community studies; Past and present in the humanistic education. 21-22 June: The blended Information, Medium and Society: Twentieth International Conference on Publishing Studies will take place online and at the University of the Aegean, Department of Mediterranean Studies, Rhodes, Greece, organised by the Information, Medium & Society – Publishing Studies Research Network, with special focus Is Publishing a Critical Infrastructure? Innovation, creativity and resilience in an age of artificial intelligence. Conference themes are: Informational foundations; Mediums of disruption; Social history and impacts. 25-26 June: EduTeach2022, the 6th Canadian International Conference on Advances in Education, Teaching and Technology 2022, will take place in-person at the University of Toronto, Canada, in June, organised by Unique Conferences Canada and its University partners, on the theme Challenges and Issues in Teaching and Learning in Post Pandemic Situations. Main areas for debate are: Teaching and learning relationships; Students’ and teachers’ relationships; Ongoing projects’ trends, issues and challenges; Educataion administration and leadership; Technology in education and teaching. 30 June – 1 July: The hybrid conference The Future of Education – 12th edition will take place in June/July in Florence, Italy, and online, organised by Pixel Conferences. Topics include: Adult education; Arts in education; Curriculum development; E-Learning; Education and healthcare; Education and society; Enhancing student engagement; Games and media in education; ICT in education; Language learning; Studies on language learning; Life sciences education; Mathematical sciences; Multiculturalism and social inclusion, Primary education; Special needs; Student assessment; Teacher professional development. 13-15 July: The blended 29th International Conference on Learning will take place in July online and at the University of Valencia, Spain, organised by the Learner Research Network of the University of Valencia - Polytechnic University of Valencia, with special focus on Intercultural Learning in Plurilingual Contexts. Conference themes will be: Pedagogy and curriculum; Assessment and evaluation; Educational organisation and leadership; Early childhood learning; Learning in higher education; Adult, community and professional learning; Learner diversity and identities; Technologies in learning; Literacies learning; Science, mathematics and technology learning. |