New statutory boards to change the face of education
The formation of two new statutory boards to drive the national focus on skills and employment is a "timely move" that will change how Singapore looks at education, said Acting Minister for Education (Higher Education and Skills) Ong Ye Kung on Wednesday, writes Liyana Othman for Channel News Asia.“Education and lifelong learning will be integrated as one. This will make us look at education differently – that it is no longer just confined to schools and institutes of higher learning, but it is a personal lifelong pursuit for mastery and excellence.” The two statutory boards will also help to increase the "synergies in the development of manpower and skills”, he added.
The SkillsFuture Singapore statutory board will take over some functions of the Singapore Workforce Development Agency and absorb the Council for Private Education statutory board, which oversees private schools. Ong said the board hopes to leverage Singapore's higher education system to boost lifelong learning. It will also seek to integrate the qualification frameworks across the various institutions.
Full report on the Channel News Asia site