US: Yale launches new anti-Semitism programme
After summarily closing the Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Anti-Semitism (YIISA) earlier this month, Yale University has announced the creation of the Yale Programme for the Study of Anti-Semitism, a programme devoted to "serious scholarly discourse and research" on anti-Semitism and its manifestations, writes Jordana Horn for The Jerusalem Post.Reactions to the announcement varied. Anti-Defamation League National Director Abraham Foxman released a statement saying the ADL is "satisfied that Yale University understood the critical importance for continuing an institute for the study and research of anti-Semitism".
Others were more sceptical. YIISA's former executive director and founder Charles Small said the announcement of the new programme "underscores [his] greatest concern about the university's vision for the study of this subject", which is that Yale has chosen to examine past, rather than present and future, anti-Semitism.
Full report on The Jerusalem Post site