BELARUS: Varsities fee hike defended as global trend
Universities in Belarus will be raising tuition fees in keeping with the global trend, reports Belarus News. The hike was announced by Education Minister Syarhey Maskevich in Minsk last Tuesday.Education costs are rising and it is natural that they should be partially covered by students, Maskevich said. With 10 million rubels ($3,300) allocated per student every year, the highest annual tuition fee is currently seven million rubels, which means that the cost recovery rate is around 70%, he said. Although the government has increased its education spending from 5.1% of GDP in 2010 to 6% at present, the share should be larger, Maskevich said.
Belarusian State University, Belarusian State Economic University, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Electronic Engineering, and the Presidential Management Academy raised tuition fees earlier this month. In particular, the fees charged by the country's largest university, Belarusian State University, became 26.6% higher.
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