
GHANA: University to train skilled people for oil sector

The University of Ghana at Legon is holding discussions with oil companies in the country about training human resource people for the sector, reports Joy Online. Some programmes relating to the oil sector have already been approved by the university council and others are being planned, in close collaboration with the industry.

The dean of the engineering faculty at the University of Ghana, Professor Samuel Sefa-Dedeh, said this in a keynote address at the opening of a two-day workshop, organised by the alumni of the International Management of Resources and Environment MBA programme of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg University.

"The recent discovery of oil in the country has added another important material resource that needs to be better harnessed for sustainable development," Sefa-Dedeh said. Faculties and departments at the University of Ghana are collaborating closely to run courses due to the inter-disciplinary nature of the oil industry.
Full report on the Joy Online site