
US: Globalization's Muse - New book from Berkeley

Universities and national higher education systems have become Globalization's Muse - "in essence, a widely recognised and worshiped route for full participation in the knowledge society", says a new book from Berkeley edited by John Aubrey Douglass, C Judson King and Irwin Feller. With contributions from 19 US and international authors, the study describes and analyses changes in the global landscape of higher education with focuses on the themes of convergence, competition and congruity of policy and practices.

"Research universities, in particular, serve as an unparalleled source of knowledge production and artful innovation, a foundation for modern science, an unequaled generator of talent, and a nearly required path for socio-economic mobility in the post-modern world," according to the abstract of Globalization's Muse: Universities and higher education systems in a changing world.

"The path to build, nurture and sustain internationally competitive higher education systems with productive research universities is now a major focus of national and supranational, as well as regional and local policy-making throughout the world." The abstract continues:

"The intention is to help inform lawmakers and the higher education community, students, scholars, and practitioners alike, of these profound efforts of governments and institutions, and to suggest that the United States needs to take stock of a newly competitive landscape and learn from the reform efforts of others."

The book, published by Berkeley Public Policy Press in association with the Center for Studies in Higher Education the University of California, Berkeley, offers a comparative perspective on the strengths and weaknesses of tertiary systems around the world, says the abstract:

"Many foreign observers have a broad sense of romanticism about the relative strength of the US higher education system, and that of its varied colleges and universities. Here you will find a refreshing dose of comparative reality - a glimpse into a complex and evolving story rooted in a new paradigm in which the US is no longer the clear leader".

Globalization's Muse contributors:

Philip Altbach - Director, Center for International Higher Education, Boston College
Ahmed Bawa - Hunter College CUNY, former Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Juliet Chester - Higher Education Policy Institute, Oxford, England
John Aubrey Douglass - Center for Studies in Higher Education, UC Berkeley
Kerstin Eliasson - Former State Secretary For Higher Education and Research in Sweden
Henry Etzkowitz - Chair, Management of Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise Business School, Newcastle University
Daniel Fallon - Former Chair Education Division, Carnegie Corporation of New York
Irwin Feller - Senior Visiting Scientist, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Penn State University
Grant Harman - Centre for Higher Education Management and Policy, University of New England, Australia
Jeroen Huisman - International Centre for Higher Education Management, University of Bath
C. Judson King - Director Center for Studies in Higher Education, UC Berkeley
Wilhelm Krull - Secretary General Volkswagen Foundation
Otto C. C. Lin - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and China Nansha Technology Enterprises, Ltd
Katherine Lyall - Carnegie Commission for the Advancement of Teaching, President Emeritus University of Wisconsin System
Ma Wanhua- Graduate School of Education, Peking University
Christine Musselin - Centre de Sociologie des Organisations (Sciences Po et CNRS)
Ruth Keeling Sobótka - Coordinator, European Education Policy Network, University of Cambridge
Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin - Directorate for Education, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Marijk van der Wende - Dean Amsterdam University College, Professor of Higher Edudation Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Chunyan Zhou - Shenyang University

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