CANADA: Student sues over affair rumour
A former University of Manitoba science student is suing her ex-lab partner after she allegedly spread a rumour that the woman was romantically involved with her professor, writes Dean Pritchard for Sun Media. In a lawsuit filed recently, the Iranian woman claims the rumour forced her to move to Ontario to continue her studies and has jeopardised any chance she has of returning to her home country.In 2005, the woman was a student in the department of biochemistry and medical genetics when her lab partner told "students, researchers and other general lab members" that it was "obvious" the woman and the professor were involved in a sexual relationship, the lawsuit states. The woman alleges her lab partner repeated the rumour to other Iranian students, knowing it would be spread within the academic and Iranian communities. She said she has suffered injuries to her reputation, loss of respect of her peers, and fear of being banned from returning to Iran.
Full report on the CNews site