SINGAPORE: President announces new universities
The Massahusetts Institute of Technology is to partner Singapore's planned fourth university, Education Minister Ng Eng Hen has confirmed. The Straits Times added that a Chinese partner for the university will be announced later this year.The research-intensive university will open in 2011 with a student population kept to a maximum of 4,000, compared with the 10,000 to 12,000 previously reported.
The university is one of two new higher education institutions announced by President SR Nathan at the opening of the country's Parliament. The Straits Times reported that the second will offer courses aimed at opening up more direct routes for polytechnic graduates to obtain degrees.
Channel News Asia reported Nathan as saying that Singapore's aim is to have 30% of students admitted to state-supported universities: "Whether it is to promote economic growth, narrow the income gap or bond the next generation, education is key. Education is our best investment in Singapore's future."
Full story in The Straits Times
President Nathan's speech in full on The Straits Times
Channel News Asia report