
US: Higher education groups write to McCain, Obama

Six United States higher education organisations wrote a letter late last month to presidential candidates, Senators John McCain and Barack Obama, suggesting ways of strengthening the college and university system and outlining issues and opportunities it faces - including the importance of promoting international education.

The letter was sent on 24 September by the:
* American Association of Community Colleges, Washington DC
* American Association of State Colleges and Universities, Washington DC
* American Council on Education
* Association of American Universities
* National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities
* National Association of State Universities and Land-grant Colleges

The letter tackled the issue of access, pointing out that despite more than 18 million enrolled students, in the current decade between 1.7 and 3.2 million academically qualified students might not earn bachelor's degrees due to financial barriers. Other issues were the needs to: maintain public trust through greater transparency, including better consumer information for parents and students; maintain America's competitive edge though support for research and training high-level skills (57.3% of job openings are now expected to be filled by people with a bachelor or higher degree); advance international education as a diplomatic tool; and build strong and proactive partnerships in higher education;
Full letter on the NAICU site