
UK: Further education students less satisfied

Students at further education colleges are less satisfied with their courses than their university counterparts, research has suggested, reports The Press Association. More than half (58%) of students at further education colleges said their courses were well organised and running smoothly, compared with 71% of those at university, the annual National Student survey showed.

Students at FE colleges also had more concerns about learning resources. While 77% of university students said they had been able to access specialised equipment or facilities when they needed them, that figure fell to 65% among their peers at FE colleges. In terms of overall satisfaction rates, 76% of higher education students at FE colleges were happy, compared to 82% of those studying at universities.

The survey questioned more than 210,000 final year university students and 6,000 higher education students studying at FE colleges. It found that those at FE colleges were happier with the level of feedback they received than those at university.

Full report on The Press Association site